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Enumeration members

Day = 0

The event has a daily recurrence.

HjMonth = 10

The event has a monthly recurrence in the Hijri calendar. For this value in the PatternType field, the value of the CalendarType field SHOULD be set to 0x0000.

HjMonthEnd = 12

The event has a month end recurrence in the Hijri calendar. For this value in the PatternType field, the value of the CalendarType field MUST be set to 0x0000.

HjMonthNth = 11

The event has an every nth month pattern in the Hijri calendar. For this value in the PatternType field, the value of the CalendarType field MUST be set to 0x0000.

Month = 2

The event has a monthly recurrence.

MonthEnd = 4

The event has a month-end recurrence.

MonthNth = 3

The event has an every nth month pattern.

Week = 1

The event has a weekly recurrence.

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