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CFBF entry for CFBF burner.

These entries are stored in same order in CFBF.

The first entry must be ROOT.

This ROOT stream represents:

  • The root folder as same as you see in real file system. Including direct children files/folder.
  • The body of minifat.

The secondary entries are collection of items having type either DIRECTORY or DOCUMENT.


  • Entry



children?: number[]

The indices to sub entries including DOCUMENT and DIRECTORY.

This is valid only for DIRECTORY entry type.

length: number

Binary data length in byte unit.

Has to match with binaryProvider's length.

This is valid only for DOCUMENT entry type. Otherwise set zero.

name: string

Entry name (max 32 chars).

type: TypeEnum

Entry type:


  • binaryProvider(): ArrayLike<number>
  • Callback to supply binary data.

    This is valid only for DOCUMENT entry type.

    Returns ArrayLike<number>

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