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  • ExceptionInfo



appointmentColor?: number

The value for the PidLidAppointmentColor property (section in the Exception Embedded Message object.

For possible values, see section

attachment?: number

The value of this field specifies whether the Exception Embedded Message object contains attachments.

The value will be 0x00000001 if attachments are present, and 0x00000000 otherwise.

busyStatus?: number

The value for the PidLidBusyStatus property (section in the Exception Embedded Message object.

For possible values, see section

changeHighlight?: number

The value of the PidLidChangeHighlight property (section in the Exception object.

endDateTime: number

The end time of the exception in local time in minutes since midnight, January 1, 1601.

location?: string

A non-Unicode string that is the value of the PidLidLocation property (section in the Exception Embedded Message object.


The Unicode string value for the PidLidLocation property (section in the Exception Embedded Message object. Note that the WideCharLocation field is not null-terminated.

meetingType?: number

The value of the PidLidAppointmentStateFlags property (section in the Exception Embedded Message object.

originalStartTime: number

The original starting time of the exception in local time in minutes since midnight, January 1, 1601.

overrideFlags: OverrideFlags

A bit field that specifies what data in the ExceptionInfo structure has a value different from the recurring series.

The valid flags for this field are summarized in the following table.

Flag Value Meaning
ARO_SUBJECT 0x0001 Indicates that the Subject, SubjectLength, and SubjectLength2 fields are present.
ARO_MEETINGTYPE 0x0002 Indicates that the MeetingType field is present.
ARO_REMINDERDELTA 0x0004 Indicates that the ReminderDelta field is present.
ARO_REMINDER 0x0008 Indicates that the ReminderSet field is present.
ARO_LOCATION 0x0010 Indicates that the Location, LocationLength, and LocationLength2 fields are present.
ARO_BUSYSTATUS 0x0020 Indicates that the BusyStatus field is present.
ARO_ATTACHMENT 0x0040 Indicates that the attachment field is present.
ARO_SUBTYPE 0x0080 Indicates that the SubType field is present.
ARO_APPTCOLOR 0x0100 Indicates that the AppointmentColor field is present.
ARO_EXCEPTIONAL_BODY 0x0200 Indicates that the Exception Embedded Message object has the PidTagRtfCompressed property ([MS-OXCMSG] section set on it.
reminderDelta?: number

The value for the PidLidReminderDelta property ([MS-OXORMDR] section in the Exception Embedded Message object.

reminderSet?: number

The value for the PidLidReminderSet property ([MS-OXORMDR] section in the Exception Embedded Message object.

startDateTime: number

The start time of the exception in local time in minutes since midnight, January 1, 1601.

subType?: number

The value for the PidLidAppointmentSubType property (section in the Exception Embedded Message object.

For possible values, see section

subject?: string

A non-null-terminated, non-Unicode string that is the value of the PidTagNormalizedSubject property ([MS-OXCMSG] section in the Exception Embedded Message object.


The Unicode string value for the exception's PidTagNormalizedSubject property ([MS-OXCMSG] section Note that the WideCharSubject field is not null-terminated.

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