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  • PatternTypeMonthNth




dayOfWeekBits: number
Sa (1 bit):  (0x00000040) The event occurs on Saturday.
F (1 bit): (0x00000020) The event occurs on Friday.
Th (1 bit): (0x00000010) The event occurs on Thursday.
W (1 bit): (0x00000008) The event occurs on Wednesday.
Tu (1 bit): (0x00000004) The event occurs on Tuesday.
M (1 bit): (0x00000002) The event occurs on Monday.
Su (1 bit): (0x00000001) The event occurs on Sunday.
n: number

The occurrence of the recurrence's days in each month in which the recurrence falls.

It MUST be equal to one of the values listed in the following table.

Name Value Meaning
First 0x00000001 The recurrence falls on the first occurrence of the days specified in every month.
Second 0x00000002 The recurrence falls on the second occurrence of the days specified in every month.
Third 0x00000003 The recurrence falls on the third occurrence of the days specified in every month.
Fourth 0x00000004 The recurrence falls on the fourth occurrence of the days specified in every month.
Last 0x00000005 The recurrence falls on the last occurrence of the days specified in every month.

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