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  • TzDefinitionRule



bias: number

The offset from Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).

daylightBias: number

The offset from bias during daylight saving time.

daylightDate: TransitionSystemTime

The time to switch to daylight saving time.

flags: number

The flags set for this member identify specific details for this time zone rule. The possible flags are as follows:

  • TZRULE_FLAG_EFFECTIVE_TZREG (2) — Identifies the rule as the one that should be used currently. Only one rule can be marked as the effective rule. All other rules are for comparison purposes only.
  • TZRULE_FLAG_RECUR_CURRENT_TZREG (1) — On recurring meetings, identifies the rule as matching the rule in PidLidTimeZoneStruct. This can be used to detect whether PidLidTimeZoneStruct has been modified significantly by a legacy client, which would be otherwise unaware of the new, more complete property.

Constants (Outlook exported APIs) | Microsoft Learn

standardBias: number

The offset from bias during standard time.

standardDate: TransitionSystemTime

The time to switch to standard time.

start: string

The time in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) that the time zone rule started.

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